
We are Maskvrade \ma:sk’vreid\

The pop culture company. We decode evolving consumerism and pop culture dynamics influenced by Africa, African descendants and the Afro-diaspora, driving transformative shifts and brand value creation.

We believe culture is the superpower that connects people, brands, and communities to humankind. 

Localise humans globally through Afrocentric wisdom.

Spark Afro imagination by democratising access to one billion consumers humans. 

The meaning of Maskvrade.

In the vibrant tapestry of Afropop culture, the philosophy of Maskvrade runs deep, intertwining the very essence of human expression. Just as the rhythm of drums beats in harmony with the pulse of our hearts, so too do we adorn masks to cloak the raw emotions that dwell within.

Masks, in their myriad forms, serve as vessels of transformation, allowing us to transcend the confines of our everyday selves and step into the realm of the extraordinary. They are not mere coverings of our faces but guardians of our innermost truths, shielding us from the judgments of the world while empowering us to reveal our most authentic selves.

Each mask is a testament to the diverse influences that shape our identities - the whispers of our ancestors, the echoes of our communities, and the melodies of our souls. Behind every mask lies a story untold, a journey unfolding, and a spirit yearning to be seen and understood.

In the dance of life, let us embrace the power of Maskvrade as a celebration of our shared humanity - a reminder that beneath the veils we wear, we are all connected by the threads of love, laughter, and longing. Let us wear our masks not as shields but as invitations - invitations to explore, to connect, and to dance in the kaleidoscope of existence, unbound by the limitations of the seen and the unseen.


Every consumer is first and foremost a human being.

Driven by the intricate dance of mind, heart, and soul, we navigate the world with laughter, tears, and the masks we wear.

Every mask, a reflection of our heritage, resonates with the rhythms of Afrocentricity, shaping our behaviours and interactions.

Influenced by people, peers, and society, we are each a tapestry of triumphs, trials, and transformations.

In this shared journey, we all wear masks, revealing layers of complexity and depth that unite us in our humanity.

Unlock exclusive trends, insights, and savings.

Energise your team with always-on premium access to consumer cultures, movements and forecasts tailored to your industry.

Management Team

We are a dynamic community of cultural visionaries, strategists, tastemakers, and trendspotters.

Charles Alade

CEO & Co-founder

Frankline Ozekhome

Chief Strategy Officer & Co-founder

Be a part of our movement.

Join our vibrant community and collaborate with us to shape the future of Afropop culture.